
Still A Patriotic American

November 16, 2022

By Beyond Blonde©

I recently downloaded the Chickasaw TV app through my Apple TV account in honor of Native American Heritage Month and I am totally hooked on it now. I’ve learned so much about the Chickasaw Nation and its incredible people already by watching several episodes of Winter Fire. Oddly enough, though learning what our Government back then did to these incredible people and their Nation did disgust and anger me at times, I still don’t hate America because of that. Nor do I feel personally responsible for what was done to the the Chickasaw Nation, and all Native Americans. 

Learning about, and acknowledging what was done to the Native People of this land by our Government doesn’t make me anti-American. It makes me an intelligent human being who is interested in learning the real history of this country. And quite frankly I’m as sick of being told wanting to know, and have the real history of this country taught in our public schools makes me anti-American, as those people who feel that way are of hearing about our real history.

What I am coming away with from the programs I am watching in honor of Native American Heritage Month is an even stronger admiration for the Native People of this land than I already had. Which is also what happens when I focus on learning more about our Black and Mexican Heritage. You see unlike the bigots, I understand that their heritage is America’s heritage.  All of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. As far as I’m concerned, those who cannot bear to look at the big picture when it comes to America’s Heritage are the ones who lack Patriotism.

Head your browser to to watch Winter Fire and many other fantastic series and shows about the Chickasaw Nation and its incredible people.