
Twitter Hates The Truth

June 6, 2023

BY Beyond Blonde©

Twitter Hates The Truth

Here in America, if you state the truth about who is actually raping more children in this country than any other group of people Twitter will lock you out of your account because they don’t like the truth. But the truth is it is Christians do rape more children in this country than any other group of people. I don’t say that because I hate Christianity. I say it because it is a simple fact. Yet many Christians keep saying it’s LGBT+ people, especially transgender people and Drag Queens doing the grooming and raping. It is a damn lie to say LGBT+ people are the danger to our children when the fact is statistically speaking, if for no other reason than they are the largest group of people in this country, Christians rape far more children than LGBT+ people or any other group. Especially when you take the Catholic and other churches into account who day after day after day we keep seeing in the news because a priest, pastor, counselor, or other high profile church member has been arrested for child rape.

I’m sick to death of seeing Christians accuse LGBT+ people of being the ones who are endangering our children because they can’t handle anything but THEIR own beliefs concerning gender and sexual orientation. While children are continuing to be raped in churches all over this country idiot Christians stand in front of Drag Queen shows screaming Drag Queens are the pedophiles. I see at least one story every few days about a priest, pastor, or youth counselor being arrested or convicted of raping children. If I’m not seeing stories about that I’m seeing stories about cops raping children or being caught with pornography. And here’s the thing, most cops identify as Christians. 

But if I speak the truth about what group of people rape more children in this country than any other, I am locked out of my Twitter account. Meanwhile, the bigots have free rein to continue screaming about how LGBT+ children are the ones grooming and raping our children. Twitter cares nothing for the truth, or for our children or they would join in with me in trying to stop our children being raped by admitting where the REAL problem is, and focusing on doing something about it. But they would rather lock people out of their accounts for speaking the truth than help stop child rape. Which is truly sad because we have NO hope of ever stopping child rape unless we actually focus on who is really raping our children more than any other group in this country. And it isn’t LGBT+ people. 

Transgender people are being murdered at a horrific rate in large part because of the hateful lies being told about them by so many who identify as Christians. Meanwhile, have you watched Shiny Happy People on Prime Video? If you haven’t, and you want to see REAL sexual grooming taking place, watch that show about the Duggars and their Quiverfull religious belief that result in their daughters being raised to be nothing more than slaves and breeders for their husbands. The Duggars, and their religion that turns girls into submissive slaves and breeders for their husbands was on national tv, and still would be had it not been for Josh being busted for having some of what one cop called the most disgusting child abuse images they had ever seen on a computer. Yet TLC sold us him and his family as shining examples of “Good Christians” right up until that happened. Even overlooking that Josh had actually inappropriately touched two of his sisters before being busted for child porn on his computer. TLC did give the sisters their own show, but their father kept getting the money. And because I spoke the truth about what group of people rapes more children in this country than any other I was locked out of my Twitter account.

I found only a few stories about LGBT+ people raping children, while finding countless ones about Catholic priests, pastors, youth counselors and other church people from several other denominations being busted for child rape and child porn but when I speak the truth about that in relation to the number of LGBT+ people being arrested for that, I’m locked out of my Twitter account because they don’t like the truth. Twitter would rather allow the bigots to continue inciting hatred than admit what group of people rapes more children than ANY other in this country, and help stop child rape. 

I am not going to stop speaking the truth about what group of people rapes more children in this country than another.  I do this not because I hate Christianity, I don’t hate any religion, but because I really do want to see child rape stopped. That can’t even begin to happen as long as bigots are trying to focus our attention on LGBT+ people, and away from the people actually doing more child raping than any other group in this country. If Twitter permanently bans me for speaking the truth so be it. The truth must be told if we are EVER going to stand any kind of a chance at actually stopping child rape in this country because like it or not, the majority of all child rapes in this country are committed by those who identify as Christians, NOT LGBT+ people.  

If Twitter would rather censor the truth and stand by as bigots continue to incite hatred against LGBT+ people then so be it. I am actually trying to turn the focus where it belongs to help stop child rape. I will continue to do that as long there are children being raped in staggering numbers by those who identify as Christians, and bigots are trying to focus my attention on LGBT+ people. It’s sad, but unsurprising that Twitter will not join me in truly trying to stop child rape in order to protect those who are REALLY raping more children in this country than ANY other group of people. And, that damn sure isn’t LGBT+ people. If you are genuinely trying to stop the people actually raping more children than any other group in this country, be careful on Twitter when speaking the truth about them or you will be suspended for speaking truth to power.

Beyond Blonde©